"Even the way you tie your shoes is intense!"

Remember the day when...

  • you woke up an hour before sunrise roaming around Singapore trying to get to a race on time?
  • you finally found a taxi but he didnt know where he was going?
  • you ran a 10km race in 40 degree heat + humidity?
  • you shoved and slid through the other sweaty bodies who were running annoyingly slow?
  • you bathed in the sink of a handicap washroom stall?
  • the only notes you took during church that morning were "If the Lord Jesus needs my tugboat, then He can have my tugboat!"
  • you tried running up the down-escalator and had a shrieking fall?
  • your feet kept cramping?
  • you ventured to the SG-Malaysia train station- not to go anywhere but just to eat good Malaysian food?
  • you wore jeans in 40 degree heat + humidity?
  • you drank 4 L of water in 6 hours?
  • you got to rest in an aircon cafe with good friends on a couch?
  • you learnt about linear transformations in Algebra?
I remember that day especially since my knee is bruising and hurting from the escalator fall as I write this!

The start/finish (Marina Bay Sands Hotel in background)

The race was FUN! I wasn't nervous this time - just excited. It was killer hot though. And just a note on race etiquette from yours truly... if you have to stop and walk - don't walk in a row with all your friends. Or better yet... MOVE THE HECK OVER! I definitely bumped through many people -sometimes on purpose. Normally, I'd keep elbows in and squeeze through. But if you're being annoying and in the way, then it was elbows out - I'm barging through. I'd always say "excuse me" while bumping through...which makes it better, right?!

Marina Bay

The mass of runners at the start line

*The title of this post was funny quote of the week. Told to me before going on a jog.


Pru said…
Good friends on the couch...i totally agree. And I love those beautiful marina bay pics you took - that's worth all the trouble getting there. :) I AM PROUD OF YOU.
Kathleen said…
Those are definitely NOT my photos - a pro took those!

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