The LESSON never ends!

AAAK I really want to blog... but lately I haven't been able to get onto blog.. because of password issues...I'm not really sure. But I am sure that computers are a wee bit frustrating!
So much has been happening... here is just a bit of the latest.
Only 4 days left of project...but that is not the end. I've learnt so much again these past few days.
God has encouraged me in His great magnitude of strength and might... and has reminded me never to give up hope on some people. I've felt like giving up on my co-workers... walls were put up... but I coudln't take that... God is bigger than that obstacle.. He can overcome anything.. He can change anyone's heart. So I'm continuing to pray... pray every night for an opportunity... and God is so GOOD... He has been giving opportunities to have spiritual conversations. The other day, I was able to share my testimony in a nutshell with a guy from the GIS division.
Also... God has tugged me into a situation that I have learnt so much from. Last night, for the very first time I was able to talk with someone here on project that I felt there was an issue with. A tone of tension and awkwardness... that I felt needed to be opened up and talked about. It was really awesome .. actually... and I feel like God pushed me into this situation to grow from this time. I learnt that Satan is forever attacking... and he will attack relationships/friendships... therefore, it's so cool that we have the Lord of lords on our side in defence!
Tonight, Erin (dg leader) asked me to lead tonight's Bible study. It was a challenge in my eyes.. but I was so excited to try it out... seeing as God willing, I will be leading a group of frosh girls in September. Really praying beforehand was key!
Work is uber boring... but I keep praying that I'm not there just to complete the tasks given to me... that I am not there to help get the reports written, the data entered/analyzed... but my purpose is far greater than that. Work is my mission field. That alone is what really motivates me to go to work these days. The excitedness of doing field work has died since there is no longer any field stuff to do... but I think this will really make me focus on why I am there... not for the work... but to be God's ambassador... How much cooler of a job title is that!?!
Okay... tonight is catching up on sleep night! I hope to be able to get back onto uwmissionaries soon! Take care.
-Peace and Love-