ne hun cool
Overall, trip to Kingston and Ottawa was grand and it was AMAZING to hang out with the one and only Alison Ma and the uber super Erin Marn! It was a great to be with project people again. Remember how on project, we'd pray before, during, after everything, we'd grab someone and pray with them at random times for any random thing? I miss that, and being with these girls reminded me of those times. I guess living and working with a bundle of non-Christians makes it difficult to pray with people...aaak oh Co-op!
Speaking of is my brief update on that: I'm actually starting to enjoy my co-op placement. I'm starting to really love working with kids and I'm getting back into my 'I'm so in love with outside and the natural world that I can just scream because I love outside THAT much'.

I've been able to stay up a little later than 9pm while working I've been hanging out with the other teachers and interns. We went sliding one night in snow that was as deep as my waist! We've also been night skiing quite a bit..which is amazing because you can actually get a good ski in when skiing with adults instead of kids! The whole skiing at night is rather interesting, trees seem to be closer than they appear when it's dark, and downhills seem more exciting! One night, we stopped in the middle of the bush to call for wolves and barred owls... we didn't get a response from the wolves, however we heard the owls!!! We also saw some fresh wolf tracks AND moose tracks..which makes me gander that wolves were chasing moose!

Lots has seemed to have happened..pardon the horrible grammar. I love being out in the bush again...aaak... it reminds me of all my time spent outside before...and I'm hoping I can spend this summer outside! One night, we were out on a night walk with the kids...and as I was looking at the stars...I had this weird feeling, I got really excited and aaaak... all this beauty is just here to marvel at. I can't really explain it...but let's just say that I LOVE OUTSIDE!
This term has been going by pretty fast and I still feel like I'm all over the board. It has been a huge stretch in terms of trusting God this term. ie. not knowing whether I'll be in school, working..and if working..where I'll be working this summer has more than once caused me to worry. It seems so 'up in the air' still, but thankfully my parents have been constantly reminding me that I have to surrender my whole life to God, including school! God is so good. I love the freedom we have in Jesus!
OH OH OH OH... so I've been praying for my co-workers in terms of asking for an opportunity to share with them about Jesus: the love of my life... and just recently I feel like doors have been opening with a couple of the other interns! I keep praying that God will use me somehow. I need to keep praying for boldness and I need to pray more expectantly.
ANOTHER EXCITING THING: hearing about where people are going on projects! woohooo! Oh and for those asking: I'm not going on a project this summer....booo, but yay for my brother getting married! The wedding is in mid-May...right smack during all projects. I want to be a 'go-er', but this summer...I guess I'll be a 'sender' send those letters my way! for an incredibly long post once again. Here are my last few words: smile, go outside, remember your first love (yeah JESUS...and yeah Blue Bronna!), and go love people and tell them about knowing God!
Peace and Love my friends.