I hardly know what to update anymore because all I ever want to update is 'Woohooo, I love Yellowknife! Come visit Yellowknife, you'll love it!'

Well my friends, the days have gotten much longer and the sun here shines like nowhere else! The sky is so blue, the sun is so intense, and the snow is so WHITE!

Natalie came to visit and it was so great! It was awesome to hang out, share in some good talks, cooking, laughing, and spending time in the snow. I love that there is just so much to do here. Every weekend, there are new places to go hiking, new sites to see, and more sun to enjoy!
This video was when Natalie and I found this awesome place near the Ingarham Trail. A nice steep hill to try climbing and sliding down was the best!

This weekend, on Saturday I went hiking on the Prospector's Trail. It was amazingly beautiful! At the end of it, I just laid in the snow and watched the blue sky. It was great until the ravens started circling me, then I thought I should get up before they dive-bombed me!
Today, Jess and I went skiing after church. Wow. Okay, so I used to ski a lot last winter... it was my job to ski (I know... great job eh!). However, it was VERY apparent that I hadn't been skiing in a whole year! There was a lot of uphills and my skate-skiing abilities were very weak. I was trying to run up the hills, however the wax job on the skis weren't that great. So, overall I realized that I need to get out skiing more. I really need the practice!

This week, I am heading to the Tundra to snowmobile to different parts of a lake, drill some holes in the ice, and collect water samples. I will definitely update on that upon my return!

Peace and Love my friends.


Brad Stewart said…
Gah... since when do you have a blog? (I found it by googling waterloo c4c...) And what are you doing in Yellowknife?! Yikes... I feel out of touch now...
blushy said…
that looks so fun hehe. sounds like you're having a blast!

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