Aye A Captain EH!

I should have/could have/would have posted sooner, but I need a good procrastinating catalyst for Chemistry right now, and this seems to be a good venue.

So... an update eh? There you go Americans, I SAID EH! Sheesh! In the past few months, I've been down in the good ol' U.S. of A. twice (to visit an awesome American!) and have been in contact with many Americans over the phone while searching for jobs in between. I have had this exact exchange with 4 different Americans:

US dude: Where are you from?
me: Canada
US dude: Really?!
me: yes, really.
US dude: But...but you don't have a Canadian accent!

Finally I built up enough courage to just say "Listen! What do you Americans think we Canadians sound like?"! And the only answer I got was "Well, you don't say EH". Wow... intelligent.

To further this topic on Americans and the US. I thought I'd share about some recent struggles in crossing the border. In November, the customs man escorted me into THE 'room'. The room that is full of American paraphernalia and has the sign "you are on camera, everything is being recorded, cellphones prohibited, just shut up and know that we are the boss." (Okay, not quite those words, but almost). So I got put into that room with a big scary lady in uniform who pounded me with questions. 30 minutes later, when I whipped out my return ticket and made it super clear ie. 'Look lady, I'm only going for a week, and NO I AM NOT GETTING MARRIED!', she then finally let me go.

So, trip no. 2. I had very little sleep so I was just hoping I wouldn't be grilled again because I could hardly form sentences. Thankfully I made it throug immigration fine. Then onto customs:

US: Why are you going to Texas?
me: To visit my friend.
US: Is your friend American or Canadian?
me: They have both citizenships (note: gender neutral)
US: What do you do for work?
me: I'm a student, I'm studying Engineering
US: Yeah, okay, you're going to have to go through that room and get your luggage to go through the extra xray machine.

What! What did I say wrong! How did she know I had white powder in a baggie in my backpack?! Anyhow, so on I go through the 'special luggage check' room. They make me unpack all my luggage. They find the white powder substance (which is actually just gluten free flour) and all three customs dudes (with excitment) 'Ooooh...what do we have here!' Thankfully when they saw the other gluten free food they believed me that it was just baking flour!

Despite the hassle of crossing the border. Texas was amazing! Below are some pictures!

Cacti fun!Kissing the bamboo on the bamboo trail!


Brad Stewart said…
Next time they say you don't have a Canadian accent, if they have a southern accent, make a comment like, "Well, you definitely have an American accent!"

If they have a northern accent and say you don't have a Canadian accent, say, "Yes I do! And so do you!"
Ian Lau said…
wow you've been to some pretty cool places up north, and also the border crossing Room twice =+)

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