I left China with tears. Sad to leave and also tears of overwhelming joy from all the blessings experienced while in the Middle Kingdom. With a quick stop in Singapore - had a good reunion with KT, Pru, and made new friends! Then I was able to join KT as we headed back to her newest home - the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Pru, me, KT at Vivo in Singapore |
Cambodia was interesting. It was strange to have come from China, stepped into super clean and sterile Singapore for one day, and then back to the developing world of Cambodia - 3 very different countries in 3 days. The best part of Cambodia was KT and getting to spend more time with her, whether it was riding the tuktuks, eating, searching the market for bedsheets, staying up late talking and laughing, or scrubbing her room and killing ants...it was great to be together again! I also spent a couple days in Siem Reap to visit Angkor Wat.
Sunrise over Angkor Wat |
Cambodian people are beautiful. They also seem really happy. It was a nice trip, but way too short.
Next stop: back to Singapore for my final days in Asia for this year. Greeted by Pru and a surprise attack by SC at the airport - so began a very intense, chaotic, emotional, meaningful, and fun last few days in Singapore. Ate a lot of good food, went to the bird park (terrifying..birds are flying EVERYWHERE at you!), met new people, got to know other people better, and heard some good sermons.
SC and I shoving Korean BBQ | | | | | | |
Leaving good friends is never easy, but I'm super thankful I was able to even meet and become friends with good and fun-loving people. As soon as the immigration officer stamped my passport to leave Singapore and when I turned and saw Pru, SC, and Yao Na leaving and waving - I cried. 8 months have passed... quicker than I could ever imagine. Thinking that it has already been 8 months since KT and I first arrived at that airport and first met these people - who knew we'd become such good friends.
Yao Na, Pru, and me at the airport before I left |
My time in Asia was amazing - not because it was easy and fun all the time - it definitely wasn't always fun and awesome. There were moments of big arguments, frustrating school stuff, tears (and sobbing), hard lessons to learn, selfishness to deal with, uncertainties and lack of faith, sickness, visa issues, and the list can go on. But the most amazing thing are the lessons learned and being able to see God show up, speak to me, provide everything I ever needed, and change my heart and attitude when it was rotten. I experienced God like I never had before and I'm in awe of who He is and how He is transforming my life.
Asian Pride from Asia. Peace yo! |
Special thanks to the people who have been a part of these past 8 months in some way - it's been such a great time!