Epic Failure!
In early December of last year, I sent a package to Singapore with a few gifts for some friends. I was so excited about our kimchi making that I decided to send a container of it so my friends could try it! Epic fail. I was so excited too. My friend's mom sends him kimchi from Korea so I thought I could also do it. Clearly, I'm not a very smart "Korean mom" because it was a total bust. I sent the package to Nick who so kindly went through the package and tried to salvage what he could from it.
Here is Nick's account:
I didn't think I would make such a stupid mistake either... but then I remembered my epic laundry fail where I dyed all my whites and they became 'tie-dyed'. And then Nick reminded me of the time Karen and I had a dishwasher episode at his place in Singapore...where we unintentionally 'washed' his floor with a lot of soap suds and water. Oops.
You learn something new everyday. Today: don't send kimchi to Singapore. Sorry friends, I'll try to send another gift from Canada without the kimchi!
Here is Nick's account:
just want to let you know that mailing kimchi in a tupperware container in a bag is a terrible idea especially overseas via military logistics chain
bc when the recipient opens it he will see furry white and black mold covering EVERYTHING inside as the kimchi juice has saturated everything not hermetically sealed and he will have to breathe shallowly through his mouth to bear the stench of the package not to mention the gross out factor of trying to clean the mold off of things to determine exactly what they are
i had to throw everything away except the can of coffee and the native peoples thing you sent prudence
i couldnt tell who any of the letters were to since they were completey eaten through by mold and the books were equally destroyed
good effort though
I felt very loved even as I cleaned up rotten kimchi juice off my kitchen table and floor where it spilled when I opened the package
you cant see me but I am smiling while I write all of this, i thought it was hysterical to be honest
the label on the coffee was completely disintegrated
question: whose camera was in there, even THAT was covered in fur
i wouldnt be surprised if it didnt work any more
after i cleaned up everything i def thought to myself "kathleen is not like this..."
I didn't think I would make such a stupid mistake either... but then I remembered my epic laundry fail where I dyed all my whites and they became 'tie-dyed'. And then Nick reminded me of the time Karen and I had a dishwasher episode at his place in Singapore...where we unintentionally 'washed' his floor with a lot of soap suds and water. Oops.
You learn something new everyday. Today: don't send kimchi to Singapore. Sorry friends, I'll try to send another gift from Canada without the kimchi!