There were a few times I wanted to sit and update this blog while I was away, but instead... I'd enjoy more sunshine, drink another Vietnamese ice coffee, eat another dosa, or just keep going enjoying the sights, smell, heat, and good company of those around me. During my time in Singapore though, I did spend an afternoon at the beach to reflect on my time in Nepal and India and jotted down a few notes, which I'll share in this post.
Fun things:
What God taught me:
What I will miss about Nepal:
Interesting challenges:
India Pictures can be seen here.
Fun things:
- Riding on the back of the motorbike and brother asking me "Sister, are you afraid of speed?" me: NOT AT ALL! Brother: "Ok then sister, lets have fun!" - and off we went, speeding by the others until we got stuck.
- Shopping with older men... "that color looks great on you Kathleen"... says the color blind man!
- The women in the village dressed me like a Sherpa woman.
- I learned to cook Nepali food in the kitchen ie. over a fire and had a great time with the women as they teased me about waiting for a great guy and as they prayed for me.
- As I was walking through the fields with a hoe, a lady stopped me and got me to help dig up potatoes which then turned into a Nepali dance session in the fields!
- One day, we were able to have an "American shower" - which was a private water spout beside the goats and cows! It was lovely!
- We crossed the border into India by land and rode a horse tuk-tuk to the train station where we traveled across northern India to Delhi - also played hours of Rummy!
- Using the squatties on the train was interesting - you can see the tracks below you zipping by so if you look down while going - it's easy to get motion sickness.
- Eating dosas and drinking Thums Up!
- Eating with my hands - which was a huge challenge to overcome.
- I rode a camel at the Taj Mahal and it was the most uncomfortable ride - bruised thighs and the camel made my bum look big!
- Cycled through Delhi with Jess and went on the river that holds all of Delhi's sewage. Cycling through that crazy city was very exciting and stressful!
Locating the source of the diversion channel |
What God taught me:
- To trust more - He has my life and my heart in His hands.
- That we are one body, I am a sister to even the believers around the world.
- God has a bigger picture whose scope is beyond Whitehorse.
- That I need to give up my time for the sake of others and the Gospel.
- That I really love and could see myself living in a village.
- That being obedient is a huge blessing. When God asks you to do something - wowza... so exciting that the Creator of the universe is allowing you to be part of His plans!
- Must be more humble allowing others to serve me and not be so self-sufficient at times.
- That there's such a strong steel bond that holds believers together despite cultural and language differences.
- I had a glimpse of Heaven worshiping with believers in 3 different nations and languages.
- God gave me a greater desire to serve overseas but a confidence that I'm supposed to be in Whitehorse right now.
Using a planimeter to determine area of topo map! |
What I will miss about Nepal:
- Spending time with my church family in the village - singing, dancing, praying, and talking with them.
- The food!
- The team; traveling, laughing, teasing, learning from teammates.
- The simple and quiet life of the village.
- The cool nights and hot days, the clear night sky with mystery animals.
Digging below the water to see what soil lies below! |
Interesting challenges:
- Using the squatty potties with many community and church members always sitting right outside them.
- Having the d-train for 10 days and trying to find emergency locations to go without anyone around.
- Learning to be more dependent - allowing the team men to be chivalrous.
- Digging a testpit with an angled hoe with a loose end.
- Eating with my hands.
India Pictures can be seen here.