You're Worth It!

Keep loving each other as brothers. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. - Hebrews 13:1-2.

I fully understand the difficulty of investing in people when you know you'll only be around a short time. Near the end of my university life, I was barely investing in people I'd meet on my 4-month work terms because I knew the time would pass quickly and then I'd have to leave them. Now that I've been settling in Whitehorse and investing in good friendships, God has been teaching me the importance of loving my neighbour, especially those people who pass through my life.

Recently, I've had friends tell me "I'm not interested in making new friends because they'll likely just leave... or I'm content with the friends I have... or why should I get to know that person? They're leaving so why do I care to get to know them?" A year ago, I would have agreed with these statements. But now, these statements frustrate me because Jesus commands us to love our neighbour and God totally blesses us abundantly with great friendships - ones you may have passed up so easily. Here are a couple examples.

1. Sherry Ann and I met on one of my last days in Asia in 2011. A small group of friends went on a food tour and we both happened to be there.  Sherry Ann and I talked a bit and shared some laughs. I'm glad I joined this impromptu food tour, otherwise we may have never met. After returning to Canada and keeping in touch via reading each other's blogs, we then began emailing each other. After many long honest and heart felt emails, much time praying for each other countries apart, and sharing our struggles, pain, and joys together... God blessed me with the opportunity to spend 5 days with her last month. I was crying with joy at the thought of being able to pray in person with this dear sister. I can't stop thanking God for this kindred spirit and for the time we had together - talking, laughing, talking, talking some more, laughing and eating, drinking, praying with each other, worshiping together, and just being sisters out on the town in Singapore!

Sherry Ann, me, TJ, and Pearl

I thought to myself how easily I could have disregarded her when we first met 2 years ago. After all, I was expecting to spend my last days in Singapore with the great friends I had made during my time there - not meeting new people. I'm so thankful for that one day we had because little did I know that that would be the beginning of such a great friendship. It's hard living so far from each other but it's worth it! I would rather be friends so far from each other than not have known Sherry Ann at all.

2. Heather and I met a few days after my return from Asia. She came to Whitehorse for a couple weeks from Yellowknife visiting a friend of mine. After a brief conversation I felt like I needed to get to know this girl more. The next day, we had dinner together and during that conversation, God totally revealed to me not just the root of my insecurities but the deep down bedrock. And being the open book that I too often am, I just blurted out these revelations to her, realizing afterwards 'oh shoot, I can't believe I just told you all of that!' As we spent more time together getting to know each other, I could  not stop thanking God for bringing this incredible woman to Whitehorse and for the great conversation and laughs that we shared. We talked a LOT and it was amazing! Heather taught me a lot during our time together and it was a huge privilege and joy to see Christ so evident in her life.
Mike, Heather, Brent, and me at the airport

I'm glad I didn't have the attitude that I had a year ago and think 'why get to know this girl, she's only here for a few weeks'.  And yeah - because we had such a great time together and a sweet sister-bond was formed, it was much harder to see her go at the airport - yet again, it was worth it! A little vulnerability can create quite the foundation for a solid friendship. Whether we go on one of our dreamed of adventures together, or hike mountains, or visit the ends of the earth together, I know that we'll have eternity together. I'm so thankful for Heather and look forward more adventures together both here and in Heaven!

I'm so thankful for the people God puts in our life and for these friendships that have both challenged and encouraged me. Thanks friends!


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