Calgary=wealth=fancy washrooms in malls!

Loving the feet pictures? To be honest, I didn't realize I had that many shots of my feet!
(Thanks to my favorite foot photographer!)
Here's an update from the DaVinci Code outreach! We seperated into 3 teams to take on 3 different movie theatres. We stood outside them to get people to fill out surveys that head office is going to compile and send out for a press release. We also handed out a cool DaVinci Code magazine that just engages people's minds in seeking the TRUTH. Had some opposition from some people, but also had a few short good chats with others about the movie. We were not there to protest the movie by any means. We wanted to get some honest feedback on what people are now thinking about Jesus and who He really was.
Cheryl and I were partnered up and she started talking to this older man (~50ish), I somehow was led to join in their just-begun conversation. As I was talking, this man was sort of contradicting himself and I wasn't really sure what he was trying to say. So I bluntly asked if he believed in God and whatnot. He was very open and honest. He felt he had a personal relationship with God, he knew Jesus was the Son of God, and he knew he was a sinner. He seemed to grasp the concept of salvation yet there were some missing links in his life. As we continued talking, I realized that I really needed to share the 'SATISFIED' booklet with him... the small booklet that emphasizes being filled with the Holy Spirit and how important that is.
I took him aside and we sat on a bench (Cheryl continued with surveys). AAAK... it was so crazy... the Holy Spirit was totally with me... and God was speaking through me!!! I knew this because usually I'm nervous like crazy... if it's not a divine appointment set up by God... I don't have the words to say and I'm extremely nervous and choppy. At that point, I know my heart isn't right and I should just stop until I can get back into the right heart-set. ANYWHO...this chat was totally Spirit led! As I was going through the booklet.. this man knew exactly where he was in his life.... He knew Christ was in his life yet his self was still on the throne. He hadn't surrendered his life to God and passed on the reigns. He knew I had... he saw the difference, and I was able to share how I went from just having Christ a part of my life to having Christ the CENTER of my life. He was hesitant thinking he couldn't do that...
(then our group got kicked off the premisses... but the kicking out was good.. because the manager who kicked people off told them that we were the most gracious group he's EVER seen)
So... Mark and I (the old man) left the area...and just started walking and talking down the parking lot. As I was about to continue... Cheryl came and got me..and we had to leave... she thought I was about to get into this guys she came to 'rescue' me... BUT..I'm not that crazy/insane..of course I would never do such a thing. I got his contact information and he wants to meet up again. I'm really excited about this. For sure when we meet up... Cheryl will probably come along as well... but for sure I'm bringing a guy from the project along too. I think it's necessary to pass on the discussion with this man to a guy.
Atleast after this chat...I wasn't shaking like crazy... but I coudln't stop praising God for this man's heart and for that divine appointment He set up for me to be able to share with him about being filled with the Holy Spirit.
This huge church I went to a few weeks ago... as you leave the building to head towards the parking lot... in bold big letters above the doors it read: YOU ARE NOW ENTERING THE MISSION FIELD. I was so encouraged with I saw that. I pray that all Christians will realize that everyday, when we step out of our house even... we are entering battle grounds... a mission field that God has called us to help fulfill: The Great Commission. (Matthew 28: 18-20)
(Going to BC tomorrow for 2 days!)
Keep praying. You are on my mind, and I am praying for you.
-Peace and Love-