
It's midnight now and I have to get up early to do something that I hate: shopping for clothes. What's with jeans ripping right left and centre at the knees?!
But I can't sleep... I just got an e-mail and a blogged update from two people that has set my mind a wandering and worrying. And after today... the rest of tonight is going to be full of praying!
This might be a rant... I'm not really sure... a bit ironic since the fuel of this rant is from a person who likes to rant themselves about useless things. I met up today with a 'friend' (using it loosely) from Katimavik. Spent the day together. AAAAK. I feel almost dirty, like a day of crap, wasted, bored, out of element. I hated it. TRES pas comfortable! We spent most of the day at a bar and this person now smokes... and since Alberta allows people to smoke indoors...I spent most of the day in a bar filled with smoke... pleasantly outrageiously disturbing...and CRAPPY.
It made me miss my friends back home (and by back home, I'm including all of Ontario!)because I didn't have to be in that setting with them. It was comfortable being with those friends. Today was another big reassurance that I don't miss that scene, that lifestyle... and I am so happy that I found God. Basically... I felt trapped. I didn't know where I was in Calgary ( we had gotten a ride there), I didn't know how to get to the C-train where I could just go home... it was awful.
I really can't stand this person... we're supposed to meet up tomorrow again ...for lunch... I'm praying for boldness and patience. I just want them to believe that there is a God who loves them and who has a plan for their life.
After the day with this person... I pretty much wanted to cry. But upon returning home, I appreciated the people here so much more. I love living with Christians! I was also encouraged by these verses in Jeremiah 29:11-14
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me in earnest, you will find me when you seek me. I will be found by you," says the Lord.
--Peace and Love to you all--