slinky moment

Finally got some wireless action in here! woot for such a thing! begin: I may possibly be a completely whacked out being. Who gives a potential employer who is contacting your references the wrong number for one of them....BUT screws it up TWICE?! Let's just end that at that!
God is rocking! Erin and I went out sharing together at the U of Calgary on Saturday and God led us to certain people and one person in particular. Jamie... aaak ...please pray for Jamie's heart. We both could totally relate to this guy's questions about knowing God personally and the commitment it involves surrendering your life to God. WOW... the Holy Spirit was shaking him, shaking us... it was unreal! We talked a lot about the Bible, God, Jesus, and went through the four spiritual laws with him... Usually I'm extremely nervous... But God was in control and calmed us both down. It's like I got to experience God work... it wasn't really us talking at all... but God was through us... CRAZY FEELING!!! Anyhow, so we shared some more and then we asked him if we could pray for him and he agreed. So after having prayed for him, he almost looked like he was about to cry, then Erin and I were about to cry... AAAK! We left him, sat right back down and prayed... and tried to stop shaking! God is moving ...hardcore moving.
I got to hang out with Meara yesterday... I'm so excited to be in the same city as her! Ryan is coming on Wednesday.. so it will be nice to have another little Katimavik pow wow!
Now that I don't have to make a 20 min trek to the U of C library to get online.. Hopefully I will be more disciplined in keeping this blog.. not only updated but full of fun and exciting experiences!


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