
I like this picture. I thought I'd go into some 'deep', meaningful discussion about what this picture can mean to me...other than just a shot of my feet... how it can represent being grounded, or no border/no floor...just dangling by faith... BUT I think one of those would be best for a journal entry...and I'd love to share how this week has gone instead.
First thing though: DaVinci Code outreach= SATURDAY MAY 20th. It's scary, it's exciting, it's powerful, I'm not sure what to expect really...I just... AAAK! I'm feeling (as most people are these days) the tug of war... but in the end, I trust and I know that the Battle belongs to the Lord.
Monday: first day of work at AXYS Environmental Consulting Ltd. There was a 'party'/breakfast thing at 9am for the new employees who just moved in from the merging of companies ordeal. Grabbed a glass of orange juice...and to our surprise (the other new summer student and I)... they weren't afraid to add some huge amount of champagne to the juice! Wonderful start to the week, the people, and the job!
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: Orienteering myself with the other summer student... Okay...let me introduce you to him because I'll most likely refer to him from time to time... Volodymyr is his name... but we call him Vlad. They didn't have time really to go over things with us... so we read many environmental impact assessments, familiarized ourselves with the network drives, had some health and safety meetings, had other random meetings that we sat in on. And through all this... learnt a bit more about my new co-summer student-worker!
Friday: Lunch with the WILDLIFE DIVISION! So this company is UBER huge... and I'm in the wildlife division working with multiple biologists. They are pretty nifty people. I pretty much really like them!
Since my commitment is to this Campus Crusade project and most nights are filled with AWESOME teachings, discipleship, and evangelism... I won't be going out into the field until August. It might seem dry being in the office for the remainder of the time... but I don't care what I'm doing really... I am just SO HAPPY and THANKFUL that I am able to work there! So until I can go out into the field and do various surveys with songbirds, owls, amphibians, ungulates, etc..., I am being put master of their BRAND NEW database for all their research within the wildlife division. Although computer stuff isn't my forte... I'm so ready to get acquainted with that box. I've realized since being here, that I may have a lot of experience... but it all seems to lie under one area: bush/field type work. So this computer thing might not be so bad in the long run! I'm excited to be in such an environment where all the talk and work is about stuff that I love... stuff I've learnt in school!
Tonight we went and played LAZER TAG! To be honest... I wasn't extremely thrilled. The night before I had played Nintendo and 007 stuff and whatnot ( I know... this is very odd and strange of me to actually play nintendo... but I did!)...and I wasn't a big fan of the whole killing aspect of the video game thing... and then tonight...lazer tag was like real life nintendo...aaak..more guns. It was a bit spooky too+ my aim SUCKS ...so that all = a good experience but I probably wouldn't do it again! OH... during lazer tag... totally ran into this other girl...smashed her glasses (lenses out, broke the frames) and cut her eye....aaaak...intensity.
NOTE: don't play Lazer Tag with Kathleen!
I'm hoping to get to BC on Sunday and spend Sunday and Monday with Wade and Erryn there in the mountains... I need to get out of the city...real soon...real bad! The trees, the river, the mountains, and the hotsprings are calling my name!
This week has been a bit tough... trying to balance relationships here and relationships from home (Ontario). I want to focus all my energy on the people here and what we're doing... YET there's still people back East who I care about and want to hear how they're doing and how their lives are going. I know I can do both (I've done it before)... I guess I've just become more aware that it is something I have to keep in mind. It's like having two lives... and it's a bit frustrating sometimes... my mind can wonder pretty quickly... it's filled. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I may not be the best to initiate keeping in touch... but I still care and have a heart for you Easterners! The provinces in between us doesn't change the way the telephone or internet services function!
--And when the world has seen the LIGHT, they will dance for joy like we're dancing now.--
God is moving, God is rocking this nation! KEEP PRAYING!!!
-Peace and Love-